The Modern Man
by Joseph Pittano on October 13th, 2023
I just watched a video of a young man saying that he is OK with murdering children up to three months after they’re born. Watch the video if the Facebook link works. Even if it doesn’t, you’ve already met this guy many times in your life already. You work with him, you go to school with him, he may even live with you. Many of you reading this will be this man. I’d like to share some thoughts with ...  Read More
How We Hold the Word Matters
by Joseph Pittano on September 23rd, 2023
“It is written” is a phrase that should mean as much to us today as it did to Jesus before his death. We can and should learn to believe this and even quote it in our lives as things arise.Jesus held a view of inspiration that you and I should learn to hold. Jesus says: “…all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” Luke 24:44. The q...  Read More
Simeon, My Favorite Flat Character in the Bible
by Joseph Pittano on September 10th, 2023
A flat character in theater is a character that lacks complexity or depth. We’re not given much detail on them. You might have heard the term “supporting actor.” Some supporting actors have a huge impact on a story, while others may have very little. We hear of the man Simeon only once in the word, and it’s quite brief. His story, however, packs an incredible punch. We see Simeon only in Luke 2:25...  Read More
The Main Point
by Joseph Pittano on September 3rd, 2023
“For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.” Romans 10:4. The word translated “end” here is the Greek word “Telos” (τέλος). The word does not have a massive semantic domain, meaning it isn’t translated in too many ways, but it does have a few ways it can be translated in English. One way it’s used is seen in passages like 1 Timothy 1:5 where Paul says, “The goal (...  Read More
God the Sculptor
by Joseph Pittano on August 29th, 2023
Michaelangelo was an incredible sculptor. He did many things, but his sculpting by far most captures my awe. Anyone who’s seen his work is amazed by the skill and patience it must have taken to create it. He’s recorded to have said of one of his works: “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” How did he see that? And furthermore, ever have the patience to slowly bring that ...  Read More
The Weight of the Message
by Joseph Pittano on August 8th, 2023
Where’s the weight? In my heart, how can I bear to tell another man or woman they’re going to be condemned before God and not weep for them? Even if my eyes never actually get wet, where’s the weight on my heart? Jeremiah was not known as the “aloof prophet.” We call him the “weeping prophet” for a reason. Paul said he had constant sorrow in his heart for his people in his letter to the Romans. Ev...  Read More



