Joseph Pittano


I was born in Youngstown, OH, but grew up in and just around a little town called Mineral Ridge. I graduated high school in Champion in 1996. Since I left home just after high school I’ve lived literally all over the world.

These days, aside from loving and raising my family, I spend as much time as I can in Bible study, apologetics, prayer, witnessing, writing, teaching, and fellowship in the local church. I have an AA from a heretical Bible school that shall remain unnamed (before I was a true believer), two engineering degrees (airplane technology and electrical), a bachelor’s degree in business and computers from the University of South Florida, a master’s degree in religious education from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary (LBTS), and as of 2024 I'm in pursuit of a PhD in Bible exposition from LBTS as well.

My ministry is primarily a teaching one. I’ve been ordained as a Southern Baptist reverend since 2010. I strongly lean toward the reformed side of the house in historically Baptist soteriology.

I’ve been married to my wife Lydia since 2004 and we have four kids. Lydia has a creative writing bachelor’s degree from the University of South Florida, and is herself a dearly loved Bible teacher of women and children wherever we get to serve. We both thoroughly enjoy in-home Bible study and live to open our home to others for that purpose. Most people come to the evening studies for Lydia’s cooking, however, not my teaching.

Since my conversion, I’ve been teaching wherever I’m of use in the world. I’ve moved twenty-nine times in the past twenty-five years so I don’t get to serve in churches for too long before moving on. I treasure personal evangelism more than anything else. I’ve been blessed to pastor, to live and preach around the world as an itinerant minister by profession and calling, shared pulpits in pastoral internships, done open-air preaching, been a guest speaker at a few Christian youth conferences, taught numerous Sunday schools and classes at churches, led a great deal of home Bible studies, facilitated church new member’s classes and preached in theaters on military installations on everything from Bible assembly and canonicity to God’s sovereignty, the Gospel, and evangelism. I also hope to do a lot more writing in the years to come. The “Articles” page of this site has many of my written works. I’m working on several books. I have a mailing list for my articles that I share with anyone I can as often as I get to write them. I’ve even been known to play guitar in church a few times. I entered the the military in 1998. I was in the enlisted corps in the U.S. Air Force for about nine years. I commissioned in the U.S. Army in 2007 in the pursuit of chaplain ministry. That door didn't open for ten years. In 2017, I had the unspeakable privilege of becoming a chaplain (missionary) in the Army until I retired in late 2023.

My primary joy in life is taking the truths of Scripture and teaching Christians why they should love them. I find great joy in relating, interpreting, and expounding Scripture with Scripture. My plan is to pastor until I preach my own funeral, climb in the casket, and go home. I love the local church!

I want this website to serve as a place of learning more about the whole counsel of God. For the people I minister to in my own life, I value having a place where I can send them for materials and resources. A place where Scripture is explored and links to other  far better ministries where that’s being done are abundantly provided. I post content here from me recorded both in public and in private as often as I can. I sincerely hope that this site is a blessing to you!

Above all things, however, I wish to close humbly confessing that a wretch such as I can only boast in the Cross of Jesus Christ.

Soli Deo Gloria!