The Wrathful Jesus We Should Love

I watched a 22-second video today of a group of four young ladies from the University of Kentucky dancing in front of a guy on a college campus who was protesting abortion. God bless him. They were celebrating abortion with a mocking dance with a few declaring how they’d immediately “kill their baby” if they got pregnant. They also said things like, “No uterus no opinion” to him and other commonly recycled yet easily refuted slogans. Here’s the link if it still works: I’ve seen a lot of these kinds of videos. Here’s a longer treatment from me on the history of abortion in the US and how Christians ought to wage war against it:
I've prayed for these ladies before posting.
Reader, they're not victims. (Nor are the “men” who participate in all this by the way.) I know these girls have been duped by the collective “choice” darkness of our age, but this doesn't mean they're innocent. It's the contrary actually. In all humility as a Christian, I have to say that I believe these young ladies, as they appear today, represent in part the purpose of the wrath of God over the world as a whole. God judging the bloodthirsty idolater who would lay a baby’s little life down on the altar of their own is a justifying purpose for his wrath if there ever was one. I know it’s likely not the subject of your church’s present new year’s sermon series, but Paul teaches us that God wants to demonstrate both his love and his wrath over humanity. It’s not just one or the other. Romans 9:22 says, "What if God, although willing to demonstrate His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction?" These ladies (and the men and “medical personnel” responsible) would be among the vessels of wrath prepared for hell. They're murderers, or at least those who celebrate murder. See Romans 1:32 for a clear description of God’s judgment on such. Perhaps all of these ladies have already taken a life. If they haven’t, they would tomorrow if they needed to. I cannot imagine a more wicked reality than a woman who would celebrate her liberation in the death of her own child.
Reader, please hear me say quickly that I believe Christ died for those who have had abortions. There is grace and mercy available. All of us deserve judgment for our sins. This post is directed against the ignorant and unrepentant such as the ladies dancing in the video I saw. And this stance is quite common today in this generation. It is in fact the majority view.
As much as I would personally call these ladies to the Cross and to the love of God if I could, and would rejoice if they came to him, I know that God's sword presently hangs just above their heads. If they do not repent and aren’t saved, which they might, their just destruction would be a fulfillment of God’s purpose in wrath. Reader, you do know that there’s a hell, right? That God made it? Why does this world with all its evil still persist? In part, God’s mercy is not done. Yes! In part also, God’s wrath is not done. He wants both to save and to judge.
Reader, God is a terrifying judge. He is dreadful and wrathful, and while his mercy is what makes all the difference in us as his children, vengeance is still his he says. See Romans 12:19. Christians cannot be averse to this. We should not be embarrassed about it. God is angry with sinners (Psalm 7:11) and there is no good news with him at all outside of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for any of us (2 Thessalonians 1:7-8). In Christ, however, there is good news for all of us, even the bloodthirsty abortionist who will turn.
These ladies hate God. They're not "indifferent," and again, they're not innocent; no, they hate Jesus. Their deeds have made them enemies of God. Colossians 1:21. If he lays down his words and the Spirit does not turn them, they'd spit in his face if they could. These ladies love death. Proverbs 8:36 is spiritually tattooed on their hearts: "He who sins against me wrongs his own soul; all those who hate me love death.” They literally love death enough to call it by another name and call it “choice.” Abortion is key to their "freedom" in the sexual immoralities and idolatry they love and worship. We should all remember God's words regarding such folks if we love God, love them, speak gospel truth, and want to properly call them to life:
"‘Now see that I, even I, am He, and there is no God besides Me; I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal; nor is there any who can deliver from My hand. For I raise My hand to heaven, and say, “As I live forever, If I whet My glittering sword, and My hand takes hold on judgment, I will render vengeance to My enemies, and repay those who hate Me. I will make My arrows drunk with blood, and My sword shall devour flesh, with the blood of the slain and the captives, from the heads of the leaders of the enemy.’” Deuteronomy 32:39-42 (NKJV). This is Jesus’ threat to these ladies today. Have we forgotten?  
I will preach to such ladies as often as I can. I go out to college campuses where such roam free for now, but God’s wrath isn’t distant. God will save so we go. I have hope for people because he has his vessels of mercy. He loves to turn sinners into saints. He alone can. He will.

Let’s honor our faith by honoring all of God’s word in our lives.

Happy new year!
Blessed be the name of the Lord!

Joseph Pittano

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