Church Authorities
I have a strong belief that the Bible’s 66 books tell me everything (and then a lot of some) I need to know about what it means to be a Christian. It is a sufficient revelation of doctrine. This is another one of the many proofs of its divine authorship. It’s a necessary condition for its establishment as a body of doctrine “inspired” and “authoritative.” In it, we have the qualifications given for leadership in the church. It comes to us in many ways autobiographical and biographical by Christ’s disciples demonstrating Christian service, humility and truth, but it also comes in some very direct or prescriptive ways as well. Like any company putting out a list of specific or necessary skills, degrees, or experience required for a candidate today, Scripture tells us what the church’s pastors and deacons must be. Pastors are men only. No women are permitted to pastor at all. 1 Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus 1:5-9 are not exhaustive but amazingly serve as many of those prescriptive necessary conditions listed. The deaconate seems to have been born in Acts 6. Deacons are servants of the church. Servant leaders, but not as high as the role of pastor/elder/overseer/bishop (words used interchangeably for the same office).
There are no positions higher than those of the elder/pastors of a local church. None! How do I know? Because there are no such positions described in Gods sufficient word! Period. This does not stop a number of groups from inserting positions higher than one’s local pastor, but it should. The apostles were given a unique deposit of faith. They were like concrete that was poured wet around Christ, was hardened, and cannot be re-liquefied. Their inspired words are a solid foundation with Christ the head cornerstone of the building. They themselves, as they were inspired to teach and write, did function as leaders of leaders as by necessity in God’s church, but after them we’re all just equal handlers of the revelation given to them for the whole of the church who are required to build well upon what was laid. Outside of a local pastor may be other pastors or leaders more experienced and respected that work to help. There may be continental and even inter-continental cooperation programs that require roles to serve as leaders over many pastors/elders, but there is only one church head and his name is Jesus.
So, respect and pray for your pastors. God has placed them over you to be a shepherd of your soul. They answer directly to Christ. Your love for Jesus and love shown to them will make their work joyous! And that’s good for you in every way.
God bless!!!
(If this has been a blessing to you, would you please share it with someone else? Come by anytime for new stuff).
There are no positions higher than those of the elder/pastors of a local church. None! How do I know? Because there are no such positions described in Gods sufficient word! Period. This does not stop a number of groups from inserting positions higher than one’s local pastor, but it should. The apostles were given a unique deposit of faith. They were like concrete that was poured wet around Christ, was hardened, and cannot be re-liquefied. Their inspired words are a solid foundation with Christ the head cornerstone of the building. They themselves, as they were inspired to teach and write, did function as leaders of leaders as by necessity in God’s church, but after them we’re all just equal handlers of the revelation given to them for the whole of the church who are required to build well upon what was laid. Outside of a local pastor may be other pastors or leaders more experienced and respected that work to help. There may be continental and even inter-continental cooperation programs that require roles to serve as leaders over many pastors/elders, but there is only one church head and his name is Jesus.
So, respect and pray for your pastors. God has placed them over you to be a shepherd of your soul. They answer directly to Christ. Your love for Jesus and love shown to them will make their work joyous! And that’s good for you in every way.
God bless!!!
(If this has been a blessing to you, would you please share it with someone else? Come by anytime for new stuff).
Proving That Jesus is the Christ From the Old Testament. Part 4Proving That Jesus is the Christ From the Old Testament. Part 5Proving That Jesus is the Christ From the Old Testament. Part 6Proving That Jesus is the Christ From the Old Testament. Part 7Proving That Jesus is the Christ From the Old Testament. Part 8
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