The Recipe for Holiness
by Joseph Pittano on December 26th, 2024
Reader, even the most sanctified of followers alive today is still a universe away from that closeness he or she will know with God in the life to come. Christ’s work is not complete in any living saint reading this. In this life, we are justified in Christ entirely, and we are in that salvation sanctifying if we’re smart, but the work of God he calls our “glorification” is still pending for anyo...  Read More
On Matthew 5:8
by Joseph Pittano on October 22nd, 2024
One of the most wonderful, shaping, compelling, inspiring, and repentance-sustaining passages in all the Bible for me for decades now has been Jesus’ wonderful words in Matthew 5:8: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” (NASB). What a promise! When I think of these words, I just say to myself, “No matter what comes in life I ain’t gonna miss that! I wanna see God!” Yet just this...  Read More
Hurricanes and Judgment
by Joseph Pittano on October 9th, 2024
I currently live just north of Tampa, Florida. As I'm typing this, the weather outside my study window is showing strong and dark signs of the soon overhead category 3 hurricane named "Milton" that's on its way. It's the first storm of this magnitude that Tampa has dealt with in about a hundred years. And I just moved back here last year! Great! It was a category 5 then a 4 out in the Gulf of Mexi...  Read More
Roman Catholic Indulgences
by Joseph Pittano on September 25th, 2024
on 25 Sep 24, someone on X re-posted this meme above with the following response:“Just going to keep reposting this every time Protestants lie: The Catholic Church has NEVER ONCE taught that indulgences forgive sins. This is exactly why so many Catholics think Protestants are simply unintelligent.”I replied with the following:Sir, I’d like to respond. It’s been well said that “He who frames the ar...  Read More
Imputation from the Start
by Joseph Pittano on September 5th, 2024
Everyone knows that there have been disputes about the proper interpretation of the words of Scripture ever since the start. Even before the canon of the Bible was completed there were schisms and other gospels that Jesus and his first disciples all encountered. When we read the New Testament we see this over and over. Such will always exist. Until Jesus comes again, there will always be varying ...  Read More
The Protestant/Christian Standard Or Chaos
by Joseph Pittano on August 23rd, 2024
Here is a great teaching to learn about the endless schisms and false authority claims in history both from Rome and Istanbul, mostly the latter:“Filioque: How Eastern Orthodoxy Anathematizes the Church Fathers.” via @YouTube.——————-The fact is that neither the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) nor the opposing Eastern Orthodox Church (EOC) today represen...  Read More



