LBCF 1689 Reflections. Part 120

Today is a very sad day. I see lots of talk from people about many offering up their kids to Molech in our country through abortion. There are memes of women popping up offering their children up on the altars of Molech. I see these as very sad and very true. We are an idolatrous people worshiping false gods of sex in our nation. Abortion is ultimately a sex issue. We want “free sex” so badly we’ll kill our own to get it. There is absolutely not one single shred of difference between the murder of a five-year-old and the murder of a pre-born child at any week of their life. New York state has just made it legal to murder people up to the day of their birth making it now the most dangerous state to be a baby in in America. Born at 11:59? It’s legal to murder you at 11:58. What in the world is wrong with us? Other wimpy cronies like Vermont are herding themselves next off the cliff I’m sure.

Five years before I was born, the US Supreme court showed itself ethical midgets when it proffered its decision on Roe Vs. Wade. I call this by far the most treasonous act of violence ever committed on US soil. Today, NY state goes more halloweenish on its anniversary. The decision of Roe V Wade should be ignored as it is ethically bankrupt. Since then my people have slaughtered over 60,000,000 people to the gods of sex. Stalin and Hitler together were somewhere well shy of 40,000,000. I am tired of it. I am furious about it. I am appalled at the nation I call home. I’m ashamed of every reason why we find this anything but unthinkable.

I was a commander of soldiers in the US Army just a few years ago. Prior to departing for Afghanistan, we had readiness processing to do. The processing reveals the numerous administrative or medical details needed for any soldier to deploy. Eyeglasses, medications, wills, shots, family care plans, etc. I’ll never forget the day I got a call from my first sergeant that I needed to come back to my office. I was down the street visiting some other soldiers. I got back to my company’s operations center where about eight people were outside my office waiting for me to return. As I opened the door, they filed in and turned to stare at me in a silent line at attention as my first sergeant closed the door behind us. I sat down behind my desk, put them at ease and in their seats, and began to ask the supervisors there what was going on? We were about a month from deployment. One young lady in the group had just found out she was pregnant and was contemplating abortion that morning. Her supervisor, another lady, had caught her at a local abortuary and wanted her to take a pause before she went through with it. They came to me for help. Both her and her husband happened to be under my command at the time, and both were set to deploy. They were both present in the room. After making a brief address to all, I sent everyone but the couple out of the room and talked just to the couple alone. They had no family support and so I promised them I’d keep them both home from the deployment if they’d have their baby. I plead with them to keep their baby. Then I dismissed her to talk just to the husband with his consent. I plead with him further as another dad to protect his baby. He claimed to be a Christian. Of course, isn’t everyone a Christian in the US? He seemed like he wanted to keep the baby. I told him other deployments would come along and that he should take care of his family above all. I asked them to visit with a chaplain friend of mine which he agreed to do. That was on a Monday. That Wednesday, I called him to see how he was doing. Without a hint of shame he admitted they’d had an abortion the day before. No shame at all. He just spoke of it as if they’d sold a car or something. I was heartbroken. I’ll never forget the sinking feeling I had as I moved her name into the “deployable” column that week right next to the guy who got his new needed prescription glasses. He got glasses; they killed their kid. And I had to deploy with these people! I had to put a gun in their hands and trust them?! For days, I had this image of their son in years to come and how I’d “saved his life” as their commander. I literally prayed for them and saw flashing images of a handsome little boy in a baseball uniform and just felt happy and hopeful for his little life. But they killed him. He’d have no life. I was sickened and angry. They had offered their child up because they wanted to deploy.

Proverbs 6:16-17 (adapted) reads, “There are…things which the Lord hates, Yes…which are an abomination to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood.” My people celebrate all these things. Chief among our national sins is that of abortion. God hates the people who do it. Now, first I think of the abortion “doctors.” Those who entirely deny the Hippocratic oath (not that they have to affirm it) which says, “I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Similarly, I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion. But I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art.” Abortion is rather old. The idea that it’s about choice we’ve taken to ghoulish proportions. It’s not just the Josef Mengele like “doctors” I think of that God hates for shedding innocent blood. It’s the moms and dads of these murdered babies. It’s the staff working in the abortuaries. The love of money is the root of all manners of evil, the Bible says. 1 Timothy 6:10. At the root of this is such a love. A love of self. A love of sex. A love of money. A love of not loving God. Not all these reasons are common to all, but they are all common among all.

God died for sinners. This means he died for such as these. This means that no one’s a lost cause to us as laborers in his vineyard. God knows the reprobate. They are without hope. But we don’t know who they are.

We must condemn the sin of abortion as murder. People who celebrate it need to hear that word. It is “murder.” I am no less chilled when I look into the eyes of my local abortion provider than I am when I see pictures of Jeffrey Dahmer. They need to know that the lowest hell is for such who do not repent of murder. We need to condemn the sin and keep our eyes on the Cross for the sake of the sinners. Jesus died for murderers, but they will not have forgiveness on their terms. None of us will. Jesus died to forgive murderers. Abortionists will be saved I’m sure. But unless they repent even the angels will gasp at what God does to them when he comes again.

It’s not just the babies that we’re offering up to Molech, my fellow Americans. It’s the ladies themselves getting on the altars with their babies. They lose their souls in this. The “men” (I use that term loosely) who allow their kids to be murdered that are offering themselves up on the altars with the women and babies. They lose their souls in this too. They’re all climbing on. We’ve lost far more than just our babies in this. We’ve lost our common grace. We’ve lost our shame. And God is judging us. Look around you. We are killing ourselves by the thousands in suicide, in drugs, we’re broke, porn-addicted, homosexualized, transgender friendly fools. We slaughter our kids, our politicians are absolute hypocrites and we expect it. We joke about it all, we’re greedy, rude, gossiping fools believing that we came from monkey-like creatures over a few billion years. We imagine that PhDs can help us figure out our favorite colors by a hundred peer reviewed criterion, and are more concerned with the gods of sports and entertainment than God himself on any given Sunday. All of this is evidence of God having damned us as a people. Just read Romans 1 for a description of modern America. Then picture a girl in a selfie with the duck face right next to it. I’m sure he’ll have mercy on many. NY state’s legislature is evidence that we’re near the edge. God is still merciful. His mercy is not nearing empty until he says so. Collectively, it terrifies me that all of the righteous are presently positioned in America exactly like Lot was in Sodom right now.

The Cross of Jesus Christ is the only answer to our sin problem. The “pro-life” movement will not do it. Only the Gospel sets us at peace with God. Only the Gospel makes sex a sacred thing. Only the Gospel makes men into men and women into women as husbands and wives. I’m so humbled to be on the right side of eternity in all of this.

If you have not seen this movie yet, please do: 180 Movie

Joseph Pittano

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