A Thought On Mormonism

Mormonism is not Christian.
It is not true religion.

My thoughts here mainly come from the final paragrah here in the photo below alone. It’s remarkable to have a man so immersed in his own traditions (more than most) say such things and be able to not be laughed out of the room for the inconsistency of it. No Christian ever recognized this man’s teaching as anything other than false. Joseph Smith said he saw visions all the time and was appointed the restorer of Jesus’ failed church, that he was a Melchizedekan priest, that you had to be baptized and have hands laid on you by one in that re-established-by-him (Latter Day Saint) tradition for your faith to be legitimate, that you needed to be married to enter celestial glory, he discarded Christianity for his own views, said that you needed a temple for certain ceremonies for the dead, that you can’t smoke or drink alcohol (after a certain point when one of his wives got tired of cleaning up after his meetings). The cult outlawed polygamy officially in 1890 long after Smith’s death though he himself married roughly 34 women, 7 of which were underage, and 11 of which were still married to other men when he married them. His first wife, Emma, hated it and threatened to leave him often. After his death, she continued another sect of Mormonism that’s far less popular today. Smith’s principle cult predecessor, Brigham Young, married about 55 women. Smith made his own ridiculously mistaken “Bible translation” which was just him and a KJV (no Greek translation spectacles or stones) changing thousands of things to his liking. It is a travesty of a translation that no Greek scholar would back. He didn’t finish it as his aspirations for US presidency became perhaps more important. Does this sound like a man without traditions? His cult was based on the Book of Mormon and “Doctrines and Covenants” which is a collection of Smith’s own self-proclaimed prophetic words. “But you must lay aside your false traditions” he said. In the modern idiom: LOL.

Saints do well to fear the exhaustive & intricate lies of Satan. He is an exceptional liar. We only know God by his word. Without Scripture, we could all be Mormons. Do you know Scripture? Have you studied to show yourself approved as is advised? If you do, you’ll have good traditions based on it. Don’t lay them aside. Hold fast to God’s word and let any traditions you have be seasoned in complete subordination to it. We all have traditions. They’re not bad. They’re not all wrong. Smith’s were false. They landed him in hell. And not his vision of a telestrial hell. How about yours? There is a judgment to come. The Mormon jesus can’t help anyone. Jesus can. He is able to save!

(The picture comes from the book “Teachings of Presidents of the Church“. A LDS publication, 2007. The picture citation mainly cited here itself (the bottom paragraph) is from, “History of the Church, 5:554, a discourse given by Joseph Smith on August 27, 1843, in Nauvoo, Illinois; reported by Willard Richards and William Clayton.)

Joseph Pittano

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