What It Means to Need a Savior

Joseph Pittano

“Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.” Romans 8:1-2. What does this truly mean? I humbly pray you see it a bit more clearly today after the message. If we dutifully consider today’s subject matter, we should be able to see more clearly the amazing reality of these words that were written for, and true of, every single believer in Jesus. As we consider what SIN is, if we are led to do so by God, it should bring us very, very low. It brings us low, but not ultimately to despair. We’re brought low, but that’s where God meets us. The Cross is for those who know their condition. God exalts the humble in his love and mercy and resists the proud. James 4:6. The Law removes pride and boasting and leads us to Christ so that we may be justified by faith.

I state and comment on the following just before the sermon ends today, but wanted to post it here as well up front: God doesn’t root us in our feelings about him, friend. He roots us in the Faith. He roots his own today in what he says about them in Jesus. And what he says about us in Jesus is just incomprehensibly marvelous. Read again the verse here at the start. I won’t quote Romans 8:1-2 in today’s message, but everything said today is to point you firmly to the glorious truth of it. May you be richly blessed by this message today.

God bless!!!

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