The Harvest and the Ultimate Consolation of Love

Joseph Pittano

Does Christianity “work as advertised?” Yes, always, but we have to be able to rightly define what that “work” is, friends. If we wrongly time it or define it, then it’s us with the short-sightedness, not God. The full hope of the Christian Religion is realized when we’re face to face with God tomorrow, but it also says a lot about today. I pray that this message finds you wherever you are in life and brings you strong encouragement in the Gospel. God’s work in the lives of his children is not done overnight. It’s not even over decade. It’s a lifetime and an eternal work he does. Be encouraged if you love him, he’s not done with you! Enduring in life with patience and dedication in mind keeps the believer’s eyes on the Cross. In this brief talk today, I hope to shed some light from Mark 4:26-29.

Here’s the article I mentioned in the talk from Pastor Jeff Robinson. It was written to ministers, but its truth surely reflects on all:

God bless!!!

(If this has been a blessing to you, would you please share it with someone else? Come by anytime for new stuff).