On Why the Apostles Didn't Do Exposition (23 min)

Joseph Pittano

“But Peter didn’t just sit down and do an exposition of Deuteronomy.” “Paul didn’t go line by line through Malachi.” I interacted with some dear brothers on why we as pastors must do exposition not too long ago, and they said such things to me. They were making a good point, but ones I find unable to take away the need for expository preaching. I think I convinced them too in my counters because we all entered into some years of exposition together in our chapel. I wanted to share some insights with you today that I gained from the respectful talk we had. I believe that the steady diet of any good church should be expositional studies. We’re just not smarter than God, and he gave his word as he did for a reason. We do well to get under it. This isn’t to say that topical preaching (I’ll define these terms if you’re not familiar with them) is all bad. It’s not. Sometimes it’s downright necessary to do topical preaching, but it’s just not what really builds up the church over the long term I’d say. The Apostles didn’t do exegetical studies. My brothers were right. But we must. We’re not bringing forth anything new. I hope to convince any listener of this fact. I pray that this talk is a blessing to you and one that you see exercised in your own church this week.

God bless!!!

(If this has been a blessing to you, would you please share it with someone else? Come by anytime for new stuff).