Learning From Both the Successes and Failures of Our Fathers (56 min)
Theology is a great love of mine. I love theology and I want to get it right. I am a confessional guy. We need to explain the Bible faithfully in every culture and in every generation of the church. I stand on the shoulders of giants with resources available to me today, even just since I was a young man, that my fathers had nothing like. I am amazingly privileged. Many of the Christians who’ve gone before me have helped me to see my God more clearly through their lives. I can learn from them both in their successes in examining the truth, and in their failures in failing to extend the grace they were commanded to among others at times. We don’t like to talk about the failures of the Reformers in our circles today, but it’s a discussion worth having. We need to have it. The Reformers weren’t even close to perfect yet were used of God in mighty ways. We also are not perfect and can be used of God still. Let’s stand upon the shoulders of the giants in every way we can.
God bless!!!
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