Acts Study (27 of 44). Chapter 15 (61 min)

Joseph Pittano

The focus of this chapter in Acts is the subject of circumcision. A serious question needed to be answered. A heresy had risen up that, in short, said what many such heresies today continue to say in their various perversions— that Jesus can’t save anyone. That people must save themselves by some measure of works obedience that Jesus randomly only made available. It is both remarkable and foundational that we see how the Apostles and elders in Jerusalem handled this subject for the whole of the church. It is so instructive to see the debate, the attestation of miracles among the Gentiles and the guidance of the Holy Spirit through the Old Covenant in them and their resolution of the issue. You need not be circumcised to be a Christian. Period. This was resolved. This was around AD 50 and has set the precedent for the rest of the church age. There is no idea of a pope. There isn’t even yet a completed New Covenant. But they had the Holy Spirit, the Old Covenant and had seen what God was doing. Salvation in Christ is by grace alone through faith alone. We see them defend just that here today. Peter said that God purifies hearts “by faith.”

God bless!!!

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