The Lord's Supper
At Jesus’ Last Supper he infused new meaning into Passover. That new meaning infuses every day of a Christian’s life with eternity and represents the very reason why mankind exists. It’s all about Jesus. As often as we come to this table, we look to the past and his sacrifice, doing it in the present, as we also look ahead to what’s to come. Hebrews 10:10-14 (edited) reads: “…we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Every priest stands daily ministering and offering time after time the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins; but [Jesus], having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time…has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.” Do we recognize the value of Jesus’ blood? Can we speak about his work like this in our own lives? Do we treasure the value of the New Covenant he instituted? It’s my prayer that today’s focus on the Lord’s Supper helps us to do so.
We need a sound theology on the Lord’s Table. It is of vital importance. I preached a sermon recently I’d like to link to below. Slides from this sermon are available on if they help anyone. My hope is that
these two sermons help you develop a sound understanding of what it means to have Jesus as Savior and Lord. Jesus’ use of the two main elements (bread and wine) take on new meaning at this new Passover. The Passover in Egypt is exalted by this one. God doesn’t just replace one or two of the elements, he replaces the whole celebration. The lesser was blessed by the greater. At Jesus’ Last Supper, the Exodus, the biggest act of the OC, gives way to the biggest act of the cosmos- redemption in his blood for the whole of elect humanity. Those marked by the blood of that first Passover almost all died in the wilderness, even as Moses did, without entering Israel. Those marked by Jesus’ blood profess that they have entered a heavenly rest already. That blood marked a deliverance from pharaoh. It was a type. This blood, the blood of Jesus, marks a deliverance far greater! Death, which is God’s to give, will pass you over if the blood on your soul? He will not allow his destroyer to enter. We come to this table in remembrance of how and why we can know this.
God bless!!!
(If this has been a blessing to you, would you please share it with someone else? Come by anytime for new stuff).