Luther’s Prayer the Night Before His Famous Here I Stand Speech

Joseph Pittano

On 15 Apr 1521, the night before his now famous “Here I Stand” response at the Diet of Worms, Martin Luther penned a prayer (we have it at least in part from him) that I’ve always found extremely powerful. Many have read the 95 Theses. Even more have read his catechism or his books. But have you heard this prayer? It is the prayer of a man reliant solely upon God for strength and guidance. I thank God for men like Martin Luther. I ask you, would you have half the courage he had if your life, or even more importantly, your faith was on the line? I pray this prayer from the man stirs you up in the way only Jesus Christ can. At the heart of the Protestant Reformation was the Gospel of Jesus Christ itself. May God raise up a thousand more men like Luther to expound it!

God bless!!!

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