Acts Study (34 of 44). 19:21-41 (63 min)
We’ll continue traveling with Paul here on his third missionary endeavor. God greatly blessed the preaching of all of his Apostles. He records much of Paul’s. We’ll also use the narrative of what’s happening in Ephesus in this chapter as a springboard to consider idolatry and the wider subject of monotheism. Monotheism is a foundational principle of the Christian Religion. It is an essential facet of the Christian’s proclamation of who God is that he alone is God. Christianity is the proclamation of the word of the only God who has ever or will ever exist at any time in any way. Paul preached it. Isaiah preached it. Moses preached it. Jesus preached it. God in Hebrews preached it. John preached it. We’ll talk about it today.
God bless!!!
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