The Perpetual Virginity of Mary
Everyone except those distributing it laments the sad near deification of Mary in Rome these days. But Romanists are not the only ones who’ve espoused the idea that Mary never had any other children other than Jesus. Many Protestants and others have also held the view that Mary remained a virgin her whole life. I do not dare condemn anyone on this. All Christians affirm that Mary was a virgin when she miraculously conceived the Son of God in her womb. All Christians agree that she was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus. Some Christians believe that she never had any other children with her husband Joseph afterward. Other Christians believe that she did. Some condemn others who don’t hold to their group’s developed ideas on Mary.
Today, we’ll take a deep dive into Perpetual Virginity (PV). We’ll look at the pertinent Bible passages (see list below), we’ll look at the languages a bit, we’ll look to history and what some have said about it (please remember that my references are by no means exhaustive). Is PV something we must divide over? Some say yes. What about you? Let’s talk about it. I will go beyond PV a little bit to talk about Mariology/Mariolatry as a whole, but I’ll come back to PV throughout.
X personalities mentioned in the video who’ve brought this matter to my attention recently: @buzzsaws1990, @jeff_palouse, @calvinrobinson, @jjco42, and @oliverburdick (who posted the OP we responded to).
Bible verses examined in this video in the order examined: Luke 1:26-35; Matthew 13:55–56; Galatians 1:19; Acts 1:12-14; Matthew 1:24–25; Luke 14:12; Matthew 4:21; Luke 11:27-28; Matthew 12:46-50; Luke 2:22-24; Luke 1:46-47; John 2:5.
This message is also available in audio format here:
God bless!!!
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