Obedience Is Better Than Therapy (22 min)

Joseph Pittano

In life, sometimes things just don’t go as we hope they do. We live in a cursed earth. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a guarantee of some things, but not a guarantee that we’ll be delivered from suffering in this life. While I don’t think there are any “good people” for bad things to happen to, we all understand why the question sometimes gets asked. Even the most humble of saints can sometimes face trials and tribulations they would never have seen coming. And the world is just full of disaster. There is still a recipe for life that God has given. If we follow the recipe, the product is most often perfect too. Obedience to God’s commandments leads to human flourishing. This will have exception, but they’ll be just that very often. We live in a therapeutic age where people are seeking answers “within themselves” or in pharmaceuticals instead of in their Creator. It won’t work. Happiness can only truly be a by-product of one thing and that is salvation. Aside from that, we’re just distracted. I don’t want you to be distracted. As a counselor, as a chaplain, I’ll give someone whatever I can to treat the symptoms of what’s most often a result of sin in their lives, but there’s only one cure and that’s the Cross of Jesus Christ.

God bless!!!

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