Psalm 19 and Galatians 3. An Evening Discussion on the Law and the Gospel (90 min)

Joseph Pittano

David wrote in Psalm 19:7: “The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.” This is true. Paul much later wrote in Galatians 3:24 that, “The Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith.” This is also true. The Law is a bit like a left hand to the right hand of the Gospel. They are designed by God to work together. Both of these men were taught something through the Law by God. It illuminated God's free grace for them both. Can you say the same of you today? What role does the Law play in your life as a Christian? I want you to see how true it is that in Christ we establish and not at all nullify the Law (Romans 3:31). In Christ, we can truly and fully understand why God gave the Law. More in fact I'd say than David ever even could have. The Law bows to the Gospel and the Gospel raises it up. The Law can’t save anyone from sin, it was only given to sinners, but for the saved it communicates its truth like nothing else. For believers, what these men (David and Paul) say is as true for every Gentile child of Abraham today as it ever was for any son of Abraham since God first called Abram out of Ur. I pray you're blessed as you listen in to our group here in Poland.

God bless!!!

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