Incalculable Wealth (21 min)

Joseph Pittano

I abhor the prosperity "gospel." However, I truly do wish upon you, whoever you are, the kind of wealth I have. The kind of wealth there is in Jesus Christ. Like his peace, his wealth is not as the world gives it. I pray you these true riches and glory in Christ. Ephesians 1:18; 3:16. As Paul said of himself, I pray that your hope becomes more and more that "...Christ will even now, as always, be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death." Philippians 1:20. Whether you're in a prison or a palace this life is but a vapor. Worldly wealth is fleeting. The richest man without Christ is a pauper. The poorest man with Christ is an heir of the created universe. To know that your life pleases your Creator is a wonderful thing. No one can please God in the flesh. Romans 8:8. We must be born again, Jesus said. John 3. Repent and believe the good news. Be fruitful in Jesus. In that, I pray you truest wealth and eternal life.

God bless!!!

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