What Paul Actually Condemned in His Letter to the Galatians (57 min)

Joseph Pittano

The Judaizers stood condemned by Paul and Paul’s Gospel. The Judaizers were those of whom Paul famously wrote, “…if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!” Galatians 1:9. Condemned? What were they teaching that was so bad? Self-castration wishes? Yikes! I’ve never said anything so confrontational. How are we today to 1) understand this obviously dire matter in its immediate context? or 2) make use of it today? Circumcision is literally just about as old as the Hebrew Religion. What is its place then in Christ? And is all we’re to understand from this to relate only to the Mosaic Law? Can someone else later add works not done from a Judaistic perspective and be okay as long as it isn’t “Mosaic” addition? Paul’s letter to the Galatians champions what’s come to be known as the doctrine of justification by faith alone. I want people to understand why because as Paul said the Gospel truly is at stake. It appears to me that Paul understood grace as simply that which Christ came to bring. Here, I’ll try to demonstrate precisely why.

God bless!!!

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