Hebrews Study (4 of 30). Hebrews 2:1-9 (76 min)

Joseph Pittano

Jesus is better. We’ve said before just how clear it becomes in reading this letter that this could be a subtitle for the entire Book of Hebrews. Today, we’ll see how much better Jesus is than mankind as a whole. How all things in heaven and earth are to be subjected to him. We haven’t seen all of this done yet, but we have seen part of it. In our time today, we will introduce some new topics in the chapter and reinforce some of what we’ve already seen in chapter one. Though God the Son entered into his creation as a man, he is far better than his fellow man. We’ve seen in chapter one his supremacy over his creation which includes his angels. Today, we’ll see his greatness as a man over man. He was a man. You could say he was the man. He was, and is, the Godman. This is Hebrews 2:1-9. Today, we’ll talk about the translation of one Hebrew word in Psalm 8:5 in a bit of detail. We must be comfortable in the normal use of language in Scripture. In our consideration of Jesus’ person, we’ll read and discuss the Hypostatic Union of AD 451, things true of Christ alone and never of a single other person. We’ll mention numerous passages today, but will look to Psalm 8, Exodus, and to Philippians as well. We’re continuing through Hebrews verse by glorious verse. 

God bless!!!

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