Knowing Jesus and His Active and Passive Obedience (60 min)
Christians aren’t taught to have faith in faith. We’re taught to have faith in Jesus. God turns our faces upward toward his. Our repentance is a 180, not a 360. We are brought to the living God. To a living mediator. To a glorious hope rooted in a glorious Savior who is himself literally our faith. Our great hope is seeing God in all his fulness face to face one day. Matthew 5:8.
During his life, Jesus’ obedience to the Law was astounding. It honors him therefore today and he honored it. I want to talk to you about the Jesus the Bible’s writers knew. The one they are zealous for anyone to know. I want you to know this Jesus who was both actively obedient to the Law and passively obedience in all things.
God bless!!!
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