Acts Study (19 of 44). 9:23-43 (52 min)

Joseph Pittano

Miracle powers that Jesus gave his first generation disciples is not common, dear reader. He gave them power to preach, yes, but also to heal diseases, raise the dead, and to cast out demons. The works could rightly be associated with mere men by virtue of their placed position in the works of God in history. People would undoubtedly say to the sick: “Peter can heal” and they’d seek him out. Peter would remind them that it wasn’t him doing it, but the works would in fact be associated with him still as God designed. God wanted his messengers affirmed in remarkable ways, and so he gave them power to be so. I humbly believe that these blessed gifts, like many of the Spirit’s gifts, didn’t go past the first generation of Christians. Not all, and not in the same manner at least for sure. It’s not because people today have less faith, or need healing less, but just that God established his church with uncommon witnesses. Apostles. No one calls themselves to such a role. Foundation stones next to Jesus can only be placed by God himself. The Apostles needed uncommon acts to accompany their uncommon roles as the foundation of the Christian Faith was laid through them. What a humbling power it must have been for a disciple to pray to God on Wednesday having literally raised the dead to life on Tuesday. Having commanded evil spirits and watched them move out. We’ll see Peter doing some amazing things today. Raising the dead. Healing a man who hadn’t walked in nearly a decade. Amazing! That same God is still at work in his people to heal, to preach and to deliver. Of this, I have no doubt. And what’s perhaps even more amazing is the privilege that all believers have even today in presenting the same Gospel by the same power of the same Holy Spirit. We’ll discuss today Israel’s role in history as God here begins to go out to the Gentiles directly by the next chapter.

God bless!!!

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