First Message of 2021. The Gospel You Never Go Beyond (29 min)

Joseph Pittano

The Gospel is something you never “move beyond” in the Faith. There’s nothing higher. You may become well versed in all the full counsel of God that the Bible builds in our lives. We should. The Gospel is not all that we learn about as we read Scripture, but we are directed back to the Gospel by all that we read. The Gospel, the good news that defines what Jesus has accomplished, is the highest of truths. Everything points to it or brings us back to it. A life well lived is lived in its shadow.

The last four months of my life have been terrible. Some of you know what I’m referring to. Most don’t. The world hates God and will always shoot the messengers, but as a result of it all, I understand and trust in God and his Gospel far more and am (I pray) a better minister today than I was five months ago. I know that Christ is more than faithful.

Christian, we serve a mighty and faithful God!

God bless!!!

(If this has been a blessing to you, would you please share it with someone else? Come by anytime for new stuff).