Why Are Mormons Surprised When We Disagree With Them?

Feb 8, 2025    Joseph Pittano

How much do you have to change a religion before someone who belongs to the religion gets to say you’ve departed from it? Mormons claim they’re Christians a lot these days, but 1) I don’t think this was the approach of their earliest leaders, and 2) they’re openly hostile to what Christians believe. Smith said his god told him that all the Christian denominations in his day were apostate. That they were lost and that he was to join none of them therefore. Christians today still hold those same views that his god, he said, told him were corrupt, so why would a Mormon be surprised if we say they don’t share our faith? Seriously?! We just don’t. Not even remotely. It makes no sense. Mormonism denies everything that matters most. What Mormon people claim as truth only began in the 19th century with Joseph Smith, and their faith was born out of clear opposition to Christianity. Smith taught another god, another gospel, another history, another purpose, another source of authority, another view of marriage, another testament of Jesus Christ (he called it), and far more. Do these things not cause us to see that he did not share our faith? So, why are they so shocked when we say they’re not Christians? I think it’s because they assume the title and exclude us. We have to fight, but we need to understand what’s going on here.

God bless!!!

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