Why The Sovereignty of God Is So Hard Even Though It Is So Clear (68 min)

Joseph Pittano

It escapes me how anyone cannot agree with God’s doctrines of salvation in our day and age. With all of the resources we have to study the Bible, it amazes me that anyone denies it. I know that’s hard to hear for a lot of people, but I just think we’re without excuse in this today in the church’s institutions. The doctrine is just too clear in Scripture. Why is it so hard then? James White recently said in a sermon something to the effect of, “I’m worried about the person who’s offended at the idea that we need to be spiritually raised from the dead in Christ”. I like this statement. Why do we not like the sovereignty of God in election? If we learn to properly exegete Scripture, then God will continue to conform us to it. This is most often an “in-house” debate, but it’s one I’m no way disinterested in having.

God bless!!!

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