The Dangerous and Scandalous Gospel

Joseph Pittano

Scripture speaks about the offensive nature of God’s saving grace in a lot of ways. How can God be so gracious so as to actually pardon anyone from sin? How in the world can he be both perfectly just and perfectly forgiving? These are the kinds of questions we’re led to begin asking when we see the mammoth grace of the Almighty in his Cross. Romans 5:8. Christian leaders are told in Scripture: “Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.” Acts 20:28. Here we have the triune God’s work. On the Cross “God” (see previous verse) bought his church. Jesus bought his people out from death. He completely purchased us. Our sin bill was paid in full. It’s in full or not at all. Christians are now completely free to worship. This is offensive. How can it be that a grown man be born again? Or how can this one man remove everyone’s sin? “I must pay for my own sin” some say. To all then, this Gospel, this indeed stupendously very “good news” is something we must all reckon with. May this short video help you to grasp more and or want the freedom of the Christian.

God bless!!!

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