1 Peter 3:1-7. Wives and Husbands (48 min)
As we continue through Peter's first of two letters, we'll see the- as usual- amazing ways in which it addresses real people in real time. As The Faith took its roots in Peter's day, marriages became mixed. There were godly women married to un-godly husbands asking what they should do. Surely, there was also the reverse, but here Peter addresses this specific issue with the ladies in mind. It is eternally rooting for us to see what Peter bases his teaching here on while calling us to look both to the past for precedent and to the future for the promises. This is a part of a series through the epistles of Peter. The rest of the messages, from the other chapel pastors, are not available here as they’re just not as cool as me. This message from 1 Peter is only part of a shared exposition through Peter's epistles from the chapel pastors of a German Protestant Army post chapel on Rose Barracks in Vilseck, Germany.
God bless!!!
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