Looking for and Finding Jesus in His Church. A Talk With Pastor Matthew Spandler-Davison

Joseph Pittano, Matthew Spandler-Davison

I’m joined today by Pastor Matthew Spandler-Davison. Matt’s a busy guy. A husband, a dad, a pastor, an itinerant preacher, and a church planter. You can see his contributions to edify the church all over the place online. He preached a wonderful message at my church in El Paso, TX late last year on September 26th 2021 called, “The Church That Pleases God.” You can listen to that sermon here: Other than just to help you get to know him, his love for the church is mainly why I wanted to talk with him today. I’m so very glad I got to! Matt’s at work as a pastor in his local congregation. He’s also hard at work to help plant churches across some of the most difficult places in Scotland.

You can learn more about his work with 20Schemes or the Acts29 Network thru the links below, or get in touch with Pastor Matt. If you’re near Bardstown, KY and you’re looking for a solid church with which to fellowship, please consider checking out this dear brother and the saints at Redeemer Bardstown.

Twitter: @spandlerdavison;

God has always formed his people into a wider body to bless them and grow them up in the Faith. This is true from the start of the Mosaic Covenant to today in Christ. No church has ever shaped God’s word, but God’s word has always shaped God’s people! This is all by his Spirit. It’s in the church that God has called the believer to live out his or her faith in Christ. It’s the place of blessing, strengthening, and equipping that Jesus is heading up. Jesus is the head of his church. It’s in our churches that God has ordained for us today the various means to know and worship him. Church matters. A lot. Any solid church is a part of the work. God wants you there if you trust in Jesus for your salvation. We pray that you’re tied into a strong local church.

Here’s one great place to go and begin looking for a solid church in your area:

God bless!!!

(If this has been a blessing to you, would you please share it with someone else? Come by anytime for new stuff).