Exegesis, Confessionalism and Church Success (36 min)

Joseph Pittano

What makes for a solid and loving church? Is it how nice we are to newcomers? Is it a great sound during the song parts? Is it our growth factor? A cool coffee bar? Who do we do church for? I believe that saying, "The word of God is enough" really means something. If the Bible is lifted up in real, faithful, diligent examination I know that God, through it, changes lives. Around that, there's simply no limit to the joy a solid church can bring to a people. Community must come from Christ, not from our groupings. A part of lifting the Bible by the full counsel it brings up well, I think, is remembering that generations past sought to do that too. Confessionalism, or having confessions, helps a church anchor itself in the word of God in the midst of any cultural swell. Confessions test our hearts regarding biblical deduction. It acknowledges the God at work among us in every generation. There are some things made necessarily crystal clear in the Bible. Do we know them because the Bible teaches them like that? If so, then putting them down on paper is supposed to help those who come after us to know it even better. It's not reinventing the wheel, frankly. And that's exactly what good confessions can do. Good church leaders have learned this lesson from study by the grace of God. I hope this brief talk on the subject deepens your love for your church and for everyone in it.

God bless!!!

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