To the Saints in Pakistan (9 of 38). Romans 4:17-25
The entire point Paul makes here throughout chapter four culminates in our passages today with him telling his readers why he’s mentioned the story of Abraham and God’s dealings with him. Abraham is the principle pre-Christian model of a justification by faith alone. He is the model of God’s grace being given to a sinner. God justifies men as he chooses—and always has—by grace and grace alone. Paul’s intent by showing this plainly is to teach us all that it’s the same in Jesus the Christ and his New Covenant today. Abraham believed God and he was imputed righteousness. You and I must believe God that that same righteousness will be imputed to us. God justifies the ungodly (Romans 4:8). That’s the good news of our Gospel…for those who know they’re ungodly. God saves! Repent and believe the good news. I truly do believe this chapter to be the most important chapter in the Bible. I pray you come to understand the Cross a billion times more as you consider it with us.
God bless!!!
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