Too Much Kindness Is Killing the Church's Witness (33 min)

Joseph Pittano

Kindness is a biblical command. It’s not a suggestion and it is often a beautiful compliment to humility. I never want anyone to hear me say that we shouldn’t be kind, especially when we’re dealing with non-believers. But kindness can bind us too. It can keep us from telling the truth. It can paralyze and even-as we see today among so many- lead people to pure heresy. Can anyone involved in apologetics today really deny that you, “Lose the argument” in the minds of many today, even among many professing Christians, the moment you’re perceived as being “un-kind” or “judgmental”? It’s become a guiding characteristic for many. Again, we must be kind, but I want to get after this biblically with you today. 

God bless!!!

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