Acts Study (36 of 44). 20:17-38 (64 min)
While Paul certainly experienced extreme levels of persecution during his missionary works, we see here in Acts a beautiful reminder that God also allowed him to enjoy the wonderful fellowship of other believers as well. We rarely see more tender moments recorded. Paul’s words to the Ephesian elders are pastoral, warm and loving. They also truly did love this most eminent Apostle who’d ministered among them and their families for three years. He’s on his way back to Israel at this point, but his words to these pastor/elders reach right down to us today. Jesus is truly God, and the Bible, in its every stage of development, is everything the church needs to protect against the wolves. We’ll talk about these subjects and more today. May God richly bless as you by Paul’s life and theology as you listen in.
God bless!!!
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