Acts Study (17 of 44). Chapter 8 (50 min)

Joseph Pittano

Christianity began near the middle of the first century AD. The shedding of Jesus’ blood on the Cross marked its official purchase. The coming of God the Holy Spirit to carry out the terms of the triune God’s internal covenant began in Acts 2. God’s been at work since before the start, but this was the start of the New Covenant church, the body of believers. We can name its first key figures. Men like Peter, John, Stephen and Philip mark the first chapters of Acts. But there were thousands more. Today there are billions. We can also speak of men like Simon the sorcerer and the Ethiopian eunuch who were touched along the way, but who played no major role in Scripture. A sure message from this chapter is that no matter what men scheme, God’s plans and purposes will stand.

God bless!!!

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