From Abraham to Us, Faith Has Always Been By Imputed Righteousness. An Exegesis of Romans 4. (38 min

Joseph Pittano

Paul's teaching about how Christians have peace with God in Romans 4 takes us all the way back. Literally all the way back to Abraham the first patriarch in the Jewish faith. God takes Paul back to where he first spoke of the crediting of righteousness to Abraham and shows it was an imputation of grace to the man apart from all of his works. This is foundational to our understanding of grace today. Paul shows us this to prove that there was really no other way to ever be forgiven by God except by a truly unmerited grace. We are called to trust in God alone. In all of the promises he has revealed to us in Christ...just as our father Abraham trusted in God and what God had revealed to him. This is huge! This is Sola Gratia! This is Sola Fide! This is Christianity. This is what we mean by a salvation by faith alone and it goes all the way back to the beginning. (Give the audio about two minutes here in this message and it will improve).

God bless!!!

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