Monergism and Synergism Understood (4 of 4). God's Sovereignty in Election

Joseph Pittano

Tonight, we finish up this brief four-part series on the underlying mechanics of salvation according to the Reformed perspective with a talk about God’s sovereignty in election. This is the 4th video in this series intended to demonstrate that a monergistic understanding of regeneration is the biblically consistent model for Christian salvation. I believe that a failure to properly separate the doctrine of regeneration from the doctrine of justification is why many men today put the cart before the horse and say things like, “men must believe to then be born again.” Scripture teaches that we must first be born again in order to believe. These truths are in perfect accord with the doctrine of God’s sovereignty in election. The real purpose of this video series is to demonstrate the consistency of the doctrine of justification by God’s grace alone. Why does matter? Well either Jesus is a Savior who actually saves, or he’s merely one who made it possible for us to become our own saviors with his assistance. I’m committed to the doctrines of grace because I’m an imputationist. Because I believe God is gloriously free. Because I believe that God is omniscient. Because Scripture plainly teaches that Jesus actually accomplished something on the Cross far more than just an offer of salvation! I pray this series is a blessing to you. 

God bless!!!

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