The Total Sufficiency of Holy Scripture (30 min)

Joseph Pittano

The word that first pops into my mind when I defend my faith, and thus the Bible from which I’m taught about it, is “sufficiency.” The Bible is sufficient. All sufficient in fact. Don’t let any snake oil salesman tell you any different. Even if their oil is a thousand years old! Since the start, “No prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.” 2 Peter 1:21. It is that now-inscripturated speech we value so much as the foundation for the Faith. How else would we know what Jesus taught? How could we be sure that the many old heresies in history (and which still rise up today) were/are not of the truth? In Christ, a due use of the ordinary means (reading, thought, conversation, prayer) is all one needs to arrive at a thousand sound conclusions in the Faith, and certainly every conclusion required along the way that’s needed to enjoy a saving relationship with Jesus. Since the Bible was fully delivered it has only been more certain that believers are able to maturely work out their salvation. Sufficiency celebrates that wherever this has been found. God is able to communicate. He has. The Bible is an entirely sufficient source for truth. Scripture is breathed out by God. 2 Timothy 3:16-17. By it, the Holy Spirit fully equips. It is its very nature (inspiration) that assures us it’s above all other things. Sola Scriptura. Let’s talk about it some more today.

God bless!!!

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