Sadness is Believing Too (38 min)

Joseph Pittano

In Matthew 5:4 Jesus clearly spoke of mourning as a sure evidence of blessing in the lives of the Godly. Many today look at any type of sadness as having no good place in the life of Christians. Shouldn't we be sad sometimes though? Isn't this normal? Shouldn't we be sad because we believe the Bible? Shouldn't we be down right depressed, at least at times, in our brokenness for those around us who hate God and will face his terrible wrath in hell? Yes, we should be. Don't despise a godly grief. See Romans 9:1-3. Our sadness should lead us back to the cross where our hopes are rooted. Our sadness should motivate us to be prepared to serve the Lord for his glory and for the salvation of his sheep. If you're sad at times for your sin and for the sins of others, don't feel estranged, feel blessed. The mourners will one day mourn no more!

God bless!!!

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