Why I Am a Biblicist (43 min)

Joseph Pittano

What does it mean to be a “biblicist” and why does it matter? I want to try to define the term first and then also try to explain why I am a biblicist. I thank God for confessions. Since August of 2014 I’ve been going line by line almost weekly through the London Baptist Confession of 1689 because I value it so much. You can see these posted in my devotionals on the website any time. I submit to my pastors. I’m no island to myself. I read from many others who’ve gone before me. But Scripture remains far above all. Being a biblicist matters to me for a great many reasons. Sola Scriptura is my plea before God and also before other men and women with whom I seek to mutually confess the Faith I love.

I am driving on a highway today so I’m sorry about the noise. I think I had the sensitivity set too high on the microphone.

God bless!!!

(If this has been a blessing to you, would you please share it with someone else? Come by anytime for new stuff).