To the Saints in Pakistan (22 of 38). Romans 9:1-14

Joseph Pittano

Today, we launch into some wonderful reminders about the sure plans and purposes of God. Paul is crystal clear- continuing from chapter eight (emphasis mine on Romans 8:29-30)- in continuing to outline God’s sovereign election. God has never failed in a single promise! Never and not to anyone. Paul wants you and me to know this. God wants you and me to know this. If we trust in Christ, if we love Christ (see Romans 8:28) then this teaching is for us. Within Israel there is an elect. In the world at large there is an elect. Elect meaning God’s foreknown and predestined. This elect seed within the seed of national Israel is illustrated by God here for us. There is no question as to what God is clearly delineating here. We will attempt to show both why there’s an Esau and why there’s a Jacob. All of Romans does. I hope you’re called further into the Gospel here this week by Paul’s teaching, and that that teaching draws you closer to the assurance you can have in God’s love toward you in Christ. There is no unrighteousness with God. None.

God bless!!!

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