What We Were Saved From and How. Colossians 2:13-15 (40 min)

Joseph Pittano

The message of the Bible fell open for me when I understood the Law of God. Galatians 3:24 crashed home in my heart. By the conviction of God the Holy Spirit, when we see by the Law what Christ came to deliver his own from, everything about the Cross makes sense. The Cross is the legal grounds for the presently installed and future fully settled acquittal of all guilty sinners who are made, by grace, to meet the conditions of the judge. God demands perfection. Absolute perfection and nothing less. And perfection is nothing short of what Jesus gives. Nothing less will do; nothing less is offered. His sacrifice on Calvary actually and fully perfects those for whom it was made. It is his righteousness we need, and it's his perfect righteousness we have by grace alone through faith alone by full imputation. What a gracious gift! This sermon will detail our transfer from death to life. God bless.

God bless!!!

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