To the Saints in Pakistan (38 of 38). Romans. Summary and Review

Joseph Pittano

Today marks eleven months since we began this study in Romans together. There are 38 parts to the study from 19 February 2022 to 14 January 2023 and each is available in both video and audio format to access on the site any time. You can also see them on’s YouTube of Facebook page.

Romans. What a book! What a Gospel! What a glorious God we proclaim! I pray that God will use this series in a thousand ways we would never expect, while knowing he’s using it in the places we do expect as well. God bless Pakistan! May truth and grace overwhelm its people, its churches, its leaders, and all its people! I have grown in my affection for these precious saints in Pakistan over this past year. They’ve gone with me online on trips both to New Mexico, Georgia, and to several places in California throughout the year to keep on together in our study. We’ve met for these meetings, for a wedding, for songs of praise, and for times of prayer. My special thanks goes out to Pastor Imran and the whole team in Pakistan for their tireless efforts in the Gospel and for their love toward me. Thank you for letting me partner with you in all you’re doing! Brothers, my prayer for you is a reminder of the King’s words found in Mark 10:29-30: “There is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or farms, for My sake and for the gospel’s sake, but that he will receive a hundred times as much now in the present age, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and farms, along with persecutions; and in the age to come, eternal life.” You are all in my heart. I thank God for you.

Biblecia has done three separate fundraisers over this past year. We purchased hundreds of Bibles in Urdu, gave food and supplies when flood waters ravaged so many homes from the rains in India, and gave more food and supplies for Christmas. Thank you so much to those of you who gave to this most worthy cause! For you I pray all the joys of 2 Corinthians 9:6-15. My thanks also to all the work of those over at for their translation works. Your works made our study possible in English and Urdu!

God brought me together with the people of Pakistan well over two years ago when Pastor Imran first reached out to me while I was still living in Germany. He reached out through the website because of the online presence of Speaking great English, he had been watching videos from Pakistan and asked me to help bring Christian teaching to him and the churches he works with. What a wonderful

blessing technology can be! Imran has made it all possible.

Thank you to my faithful financial partners who keep this ministry online that also make this possible. I could not do it without you! We’ve reached millions. You few (very few) know who you are. Thank you! I love you! If you see God honored by all the teaching of and if you’d donate $10.00 a month to keep this teaching going forward, please do start today. I need your help to do more in the years to come. I make nothing on this. You can go to the donate page at to partner today. I need you. I’m not a wealthy man and I never want to be. It’s about a few people giving a little, not a lot. Please consider coming alongside us today.

God bless!!!

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