Defilement by Degree (65 min)

Joseph Pittano

I heard a testimony many years ago of a former witch. The things she said will always be with me. In again recently considering some of the things she said in that talk, it reminded me of how the devil works in most of our lives. There is a real fallen angel named Lucifer. He is real. Fallen angels are very real. This message is about making you wise as to their tactics. Seeing them exposed can help us fight better. We would stand no chance against evil on our own. In Christ alone we have all we need. I’m reminded of Martin Luther’s famous hymn A Might Fortress. It contains the following two stanzas:

For still our ancient foe

does seek to work us woe;

his craft and power are great,

and armed with cruel hate,

on earth is not his equal.

And though this world, with devils filled,

should threaten to undo us,

we will not fear, for God has willed

his truth to triumph through us.

The prince of darkness grim,

we tremble not for him;

his rage we can endure,

for lo! his doom is sure;

one little word shall fell him.

Fight in Christ well.

God bless!!!

(If this has been a blessing to you, would you please share it with someone else? Come by anytime for new stuff).