The Bad Fruit of Sexual Immorality

Joseph Pittano

We’re going to take a short time today to briefly walk through four main passages to talk about sexual immorality. You may not expect any of them. Sexual immorality is a fruit that no Christian can bear. God is just too good of a vinedresser for it to fully mature and destroy us. John 15:1-11. Good trees simply can’t bear bad fruit. Jesus clearly addresses homosexuality. He plainly addresses every form of sexual immorality. Homosexuality is a divisive issue. It is a fruit that good trees can never bear. This is true in practice and all the more certain therefore in theology. Any group that is therefore “open and affirming“ denies the Lord by turning grace into licentiousness. I pray that God blesses this short talk with you. It needs to be reiterated over and over again in the world today. We want to talk about the Savior…and so we must address sin as that which he saves us from.

God bless!!!

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