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(These will change)
Dr. Kevin Vanhoozer's message here entitled, "God is Sovereign" is quite compelling. He explores some of the history of the doctrine of God's sovereignty and deals with some of the deep questions we all have of it in Scripture.  This was a very interesting and I thought well-balanced treatment of much of the biblical data. 
Every Christian should come away from this message edified, equipped, and blessed. I hope that you do! When I first heard this sermon preached some 20+ years ago, it was as if the Bible fell open for me.
This is a message from the 2024 Ligonier Conference in Orlando. A phenomenal sermon I'd really love for you to hear. 
This was a wonderful discussion between Dr. Gary Habermas of Liberty University and the late Dr. Antony Flew, a converted to deism former professing atheist. Dr. Flew was a thoughtful man. I hope you benefit from watching their discussion. 
Christians fight against abortion.

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Why this site exists

Since 2006, this website exists as another online ministry seeking to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever we can along with the full counsel of God's word. You can find a link to Biblecia's statement of faith below and more about Joseph on the about page. There will be updated materials posted here often. The goal of this ministry is to provide quality resources for people all over the world to partake of for free. We do accept donations but nothing is for sale. Video and audio materials range from hours-long biblical exposition and multi-year series to minutes-long apologetic snippets. Some recordings are done with studio quality. Some were recorded in the snow or sand in foxholes around the globe and sound like they were recorded unbderwater or in a tin can. There are in-depth articles written on numerous theological subjects and weekly devotionals that take just minutes to read. There will be posted discussions, debates, links, and tons of other recommended ministries constantly coming your way.

May the triune God be honored by this ministry's part in your life!