Hebrews Study. Part 22. Chapter 9 (75 min)

Title: Hebrews Study. Part 22. Chapter 9 (75 min)
Message Description:

Due to an imposed schedule, I’ll be forced to accelerate our pace a bit through the rest of Hebrews, but I trust I’ll still be able to do justice to this magnificent text. Today in chapter 9, we continue to see in Hebrews just how new the New Covenant really is. We’ll begin to see how important the idea of “once” is to the work of Jesus in the New Covenant. Phrases and ideas like once, finished, sat down, once for all time, etc., will begin to convey the argument of our author in unmistakable ways. What Christ has done is a *finished work* that perfects those for whom it was done. We’ll also have some Q&A to follow today as well which I hope you’ll stick around for.

God bless!

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